Friday, October 31, 2014

How to achieve Ultimate happiness?

We study everything but we don’t study about ourselves. Whenever we don’t get the desired result, we tend to blame circumstances, situations or others. But at the end of the day who is suffering? An awareness of yourself alone can help you to deal with other people and circumstances in a better way.

Self-realisation is experiencing that the body, mind and soul are one with the omnipresent, the nature. The scientific laws that operate one’s thoughts, feelings, judgements and sensations become clear; through direct experience, the nature of how one grows or regresses, how one produces suffering or frees oneself from suffering is understood. Life becomes characterized by increased awareness, non-delusion, self-control and peace.
In one’s entire life the sum of pain and pleasure is zero. If there is happiness, sadness is bound to come. You can not experience happiness unless there is a pain or sadness. The only thing which we can strive for is peace- no sadness and no happiness. Achieving this stage is called “BLISS”. When you understand, experience and practice in words and action that nothing is constant in this world. Today what is good for you going to be bad on one day or other. Today what you are craving for achieving happiness, one day the same thing is going to be the cause for your sorrow. By our thought and action we create our own destiny. Whatever energy a person has set into motion- consciously or unconsciously must return to him like a circle. Self-realisation is experiencing that the body, mind and soul are one with the omnipresent, the nature or God. To experience that you must improve your awareness. Only awareness can bring peace in this world.

Friday, September 26, 2014


As a trainer your efficiency will depend how you get along with the participants. You may be encyclopaedia of knowledge but of no use, unless you get into participants heart. Most of the participants have got the knowledge, but clarity is missing.
You have to master the art of asking question and take out the answer from the participants as much as possible, then only add on or top up. Otherwise the ego barrier is going to go up but the interest level will come down.
Thoughts are powerful vibration. These vibrations become powerful and strong when you practice what you speak out in a training session.
As a trainer whatever you convey if you have not practiced, it is not the ultimate truth for you. It is theoretical truth, because it is not an experiential truth for you. Therefore whenever you convey your ideas to the participants, you can not be that confident. Your body language will not be aligned. The vibrations of thought will not be that powerful to create greater impact on others mind who are listening to your talk. If you can understand the functioning of mobile phone, you will have more clarity of the concept I am trying to convey. You can communicate to other person through mobile phones due to the matching of vibrations (wave length) of other person’s mobile whom you are talking with your mobile’s vibration.
If you want to be an effective communicator or a trainer, you must practice yourself what you preach. If you are not committed, you can’t ask participants to be committed. If you are not punctual and trustworthy, you can not ask participants to be punctual and trustworthy. If you cannot practice forgiveness and gratitude then you can not expect participant to practice and it will not work out. It will not hit their mind; there is no alignment of thought vibration. Only good in speaking will not workout in the long run, to be an effective trainer and communicator. You must practice yourself whatever you convey. Your thoughts and actions must be aligned.
Once your thoughts and actions are aligned, your presence will emit positive vibration (aura), then whatever you convey; people will give their best effort to act on your instruction. Once your participants act on your instruction, you become an effective trainer.